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I got connected with Grant when I expressed interests in a house listed on Zillow before I moved to California from the East Coast

Highly likely to recommend

“I got connected with Grant when I expressed interests in a house listed on Zillow before I moved to California from the East Coast. Grant called me and talked with me for more than an hour to understand my family’s needs. He showed some houses to my friend on my behalf. Due to my relocation schedule, I decided to rent an apartment first. After I moved to California, my kids and I saw some open houses and many realtors offered to help me to find a house, but I chose to continue working with Grant based on our first conversation. My husband had to stay on the East Coast to finish his work, so I was like a single mother with two kids and I also had a very demanding job. Grant worked extremely hard to accommodate my busy schedule to show me houses in the early mornings and weekends. Relocated as a teenager himself, he really understands what families go through during the relocation and he is always very supportive. When we looked houses together, he always checked all the details of every house and often pointed out some stuff I would never thought of. Sometimes, I felt like he was the one buying the house because he was so much into the job he was doing. After seeing some houses with me, it was amazing that he knew exactly what kind of house I would like. I was deeply moved when he showed me a house I fell in love with instantly even though the house got sold out before I could make an offer. When I decided to make an offer to another house, he had a family emergency and it was a very sad time for him, but he managed to get a pre-approval and wrote an offer on my behalf right away even though I told him he did not need to do that. Due to some crazy competition, we decided not to pursue that house. He is well informed and very knowledgeable about the house market, and thank God he helped me get my current house ideal for my family. Grant also helped me sort out our financial situation and get my mortgage. Because we still own our house in the East Coast, it made the loan application very challenging. Also due to the holiday seasons and an extremely slow loan process from the bank, our mortgage application became a horrible ordeal. Grant worked around the clock and did everything he could to help ease the pain. It was a very frustrating situation to him too, but he handled everything graciously and helped solve every problem the bank created. He always kept me informed about the whole process, and he worked tirelessly to deal with the sellers, mortgage broker and escrow company. He really cared about what my family went through during the transition and provided all the help and support he could. In short, Grant is very professional, prompt, polite, calm, humorous, thoughtful and reliable. He is very organized with effective and efficient management skills, he builds strong team relationships and provides exceptional customer service with honesty and integrity. He always gives 100% of his efforts and works for the best interests of his clients. He really enjoys helping families to find their new homes. Relocation is stressful, but his sound knowledge about the OC housing market and financing really helped me to make every good decision along the process. I have already recommended him to my friends and colleagues. I thank God we got connected, and thank you, Grant, for everything”

Grant was very professional, has immense knowledge of the real estate market

Highly likely to recommend

“Grant was very professional, has immense knowledge of the real estate market, was prompt in responding to questions and provided very personalized service, would use him again!”

Grant is amazing! I was looking to relocate to Orange County from San Diego

Highly likely to recommend

“Grant is amazing! I was looking to relocate to Orange County from San Diego. I found Grant online to help me find the perfect home. He is extremely customer focused; providing excellent customer service and communicates well. He's very knowledgeable and has vast real estate experience. He offered excellent suggestions; enabling me to make the best decisions regarding when to purchase. My job ended up not getting relocated to Orange County so I ended up not moving. I will contact Grant for my future real estate needs and have already recommended him to my friends and family. It was a pleasure working with him.”

Grant was great!! We had an out of the ordinary purchase to say the least

Highly likely to recommend

“Grant was great!! We had an out of the ordinary purchase to say the least. He was methodical and even keeled through the whole process. He was available and prompt throughout. If I had to buy or sell another home he would be the first person I would call.”

I will always be eternally grateful for Grant

Highly likely to recommend

I will always be eternally grateful for Grant. He helped me find my first home and it is exactly where I had dreamed up of from the beginning. He really listened when I told him exactly what I wanted. Always available, willing and positive. Every text and email was answered right away. I'll never forget this journey and his role throughout it. Thanks Grant!

Adam epitomizes professionalism, expertise and a passion for exemplary customer service

Highly likely to recommend

“Adam epitomizes professionalism, expertise and a passion for exemplary customer service. I strongly recommend Adam for anyone looking to purchase or rent in Orange County.He is knowledgable, friendly and determined to make finding a wonderful home the best experience possible!!”

Would definitely recommend Melody for selling or buying a home

Highly likely to recommend

Would definitely recommend Melody for selling or buying a home!! Melody was extremely helpful throughout the process!! She linked us up with a lender right away to see what we qualified for. She met us at the lenders office and sat with us during our meetings. She got back to me so quickly when I had questions. She was hands on the whole time! She was searching for homes for us everyday and found great houses that were exactly what we had wanted to look for. We decided to postpone on buying but when we are ready again we are definitely going to melody!

Melody was a pleasure to work with. She is thoughtful, patient and well informed

Highly likely to recommend

“Melody was a pleasure to work with. She is thoughtful, patient and well informed. What I enjoyed about working with her is that she made the stressful process of home buying simple and fun. I'm definitely recommending Melody to my friends and family for all their real estate needs.”

I contacted Melody to pursue a home I was really interested in renting

Highly likely to recommend

I contacted Melody to pursue a home I was really interested in renting. From first meeting her she was incredibly professional, responsive and got the application process moving immediately, as she knew I had found the home I wanted to live in. Not only did Melody make suggestions to make my rental application competitive, but she went above and beyond my expectations to facilitate communication between myself and the landlord and the landlord's realtor. She also made the process of signing the lease and answering my questions very easy. I have dealt with a lot of realtors in OC, and Melody was the best. I highly recommend her!

Melody is very professional, qualified, diligent. She is thorough and follows up immediately on tasks or requests

Highly likely to recommend

Melody is very professional, qualified, diligent. She is thorough and follows up immediately on tasks or requests. She keeps you well informed on the process and makes sure you get the best real estate service that is available. I would recommend her in any housing transactions that are needed. She will make sure you find what you are looking for and what is right for your needs!

My husband and I just bought our first place with Adam

Highly likely to recommend

My husband and I just bought our first place. This was a very stressful situation but with Adam, it was an exciting and smooth process. Adam always responded in a timely manner, and believe me there were times that I pestered him with questions and concerns. Adam always had our best interests in mind. When we were looking at places he would tell us flat out what was a good buy, and some that weren't. When we were in escrow, Adam went to bat for us on more than one occasion. He is the best in my opinion. Next time my husband and I want to buy or sell we know who we are going with! I would definitely recommend him to anyone especially my family and friends.

Grant was very helpful towards assisting us with buying our first home

Highly likely to recommend

Grant was very helpful towards assisting us with buying our first home. He answered all our bothersome questions and he was very patient with us. His time frame for getting us inside the house was as predicted. The level of service was high quality, professional, and precise. Very easy realtor to work with and his buying experience was helpful indeed. We love our new home and we would definitely use Grant again for future "realty" endeavors!

Grant had extensive knowledge of the area and he was very easy going as our first impression, so we were immediately comfortable with him

Highly likely to recommend

Grant had extensive knowledge of the area and he was very easy going as our first impression, so we were immediately comfortable with him. In just 3 weeks he was able to sell our property. We have had 3 other agents that have gotten ZERO results over the course of 2 months. After already wasting several months we were getting anxious. Glad to see Grant and his crew were able to deliver so quickly. We greatly appreciate it the quality of service. Grant was very hands on with any questions we had. Never had any problem getting a hold of him in under an hour! Highly recommend!

Grant exhibited high quality customer service and unparalleled wisdom in the California vicinity

Highly likely to recommend

Grant exhibited high quality customer service and unparalleled wisdom in the California vicinity. We were brand new homeowners so we did not know much. Grant guided us and helped us make educated decisions. We trusted him and went off his recommendations. We were happy to see that he was being transparent and honest with us. Grant has integrity, work ethic, and professionalism. I briefly dealt with his team and I was highly impressed by them too. They are all like a well oiled machine! Thanks again!

Grant was extremely knowledgeable and efficient when it came to listing my home for sale.

Highly likely to recommend

Grant was extremely knowledgeable and efficient when it came to listing my home for sale. He explained everything to me in a clear and concise manner. I was kept up to date with the process the entire way through. He was able to list our home and sell it within 6 weeks. This was a lot quicker than we anticipated. Thank you for your hard work.

I was introduced to Grant Gerhart earlier this year and he is currently helping me and my fiancé look for a house to buy in the OC area.

Highly likely to recommend

I was introduced to Grant Gerhart earlier this year and he is currently helping me and my fiancé look for a house to buy in the OC area. Simultaneously I decided to sell my rental home, it was a last minute decision and I needed to sell it as quickly as possible. I gave Grant a really tight deadline and strict guidelines on how I wanted my property presented and marketed. Grant met and exceeded all my expectations, despite giving him such short notice. He had my house on the market within a couple of days, with an aggressive marketing strategy and amazing photos. Due to his excellent expertise and strategy, he was instantly contacted with very high interest and multiple inquiries on my property. Within a couple of days we had multiple viewings and a few offers already, even before the open house. With all the high traffic and interest we had, my property was sold within 2 weeks of listing. Grant handled everything with the utmost professionalism, honesty and consideration of my needs. Grant is extremely easy to work with, very accessible and available to answer any questions or concerns I had. With Grant I felt extremely comfortable and confident in his abilities and I never once felt like he had other properties that were more important than mine. If your looking for a realtor that checks off all the above I have just mentioned than you should definitely consider Grant as your agent. No matter the type, size or area of the property you won’t be disappointed in his services. I know I wasn’t

I got connected with Grant when I expressed interests in a house listed on Zillow before I moved to California from the East Coast.

Highly likely to recommend

I got connected with Grant when I expressed interests in a house listed on Zillow before I moved to California from the East Coast. Grant called me and talked with me for more than an hour to understand my family’s needs. He showed some houses to my friend on my behalf. Due to my relocation schedule, I decided to rent an apartment first. After I moved to California, my kids and I saw some open houses and many realtors offered to help me to find a house, but I chose to continue working with Grant based on our first conversation. My husband had to stay on the East Coast to finish his work, so I was like a single mother with two kids and I also had a very demanding job. Grant worked extremely hard to accommodate my busy schedule to show me houses in the early mornings and weekends. Relocated as a teenager himself, he really understands what families go through during the relocation and he is always very supportive. When we looked houses together, he always checked all the details of every house and often pointed out some stuff I would never thought of. Sometimes, I felt like he was the one buying the house because he was so much into the job he was doing. After seeing some houses with me, it was amazing that he knew exactly what kind of house I would like. I was deeply moved when he showed me a house I fell in love with instantly even though the house got sold out before I could make an offer. When I decided to make an offer to another house, he had a family emergency and it was a very sad time for him, but he managed to get a pre-approval and wrote an offer on my behalf right away even though I told him he did not need to do that. Due to some crazy competition, we decided not to pursue that house. He is well informed and very knowledgeable about the house market, and thank God he helped me get my current house ideal for my family. Grant also helped me sort out our financial situation and get my mortgage. Because we still own our house in the East Coast, it made the loan application very challenging. Also due to the holiday seasons and an extremely slow loan process from the bank, our mortgage application became a horrible ordeal. Grant worked around the clock and did everything he could to help ease the pain. It was a very frustrating situation to him too, but he handled everything graciously and helped solve every problem the bank created. He always kept me informed about the whole process, and he worked tirelessly to deal with the sellers, mortgage broker and escrow company. He really cared about what my family went through during the transition and provided all the help and support he could. In short, Grant is very professional, prompt, polite, calm, humorous, thoughtful and reliable. He is very organized with effective and efficient management skills, he builds strong team relationships and provides exceptional customer service with honesty and integrity. He always gives 100% of his efforts and works for the best interests of his clients. He really enjoys helping families to find their new homes. Relocation is stressful, but his sound knowledge about the OC housing market and financing really helped me to make every good decision along the process. I have already recommended him to my friends and colleagues. I thank God we got connected, and thank you, Grant, for everything

Grant is very professional, knows the ins and outs of real estate.

Highly likely to recommend

Grant is very professional, knows the ins and outs of real estate, and goes the extra mile for his customers, will definitely use him again!

My experience with Grant was the best I have ever had over the years I've been purchasing homes and the last one with him was number seven.

Highly likely to recommend

“My experience with Grant was the best I have ever had over the years I've been purchasing homes and the last one with him was number 7 , Grant makes you feel so relaxed in a very stressful situation while behind the scenes he is getting all the work done to take the pressure off the transaction.

Very high level of competence and experience. I recommend him without reservation.

Highly likely to recommend

“Grant was excellent. He knew everything that was going to happen before it did. Very high level of competence and experience. I recommend him without reservation. Sincerely, JGV.”

From the moment we met him we were greeted with a smile and he took what can be a overwhelming process and made it fun and easy.

Highly likely to recommend

We were looking to rent in the Aliso Viejo/Laguna Niguel area. After asking some questions about what was important to us in a home, Grant presented several choices and set a time that accommodated our busy schedules to view them. Whether you are buying, selling or renting it can be time consuming and overwhelming if you don't have the right person on your team. Grant is that person! He was responsive to all of our questions and requests, knew the areas well, worked on our behalf to get us into the place of our choice, met us there to sign the lease and do the walk-through, and brought up questions and pointed things out that we would not have thought about at that moment. From the moment we met him we were greeted with a smile and he took what can be a overwhelming process and made it fun and easy. Have already recommended to co-workers and friends. Thanks Grant

We were thrilled to have Grant by our side through the home selling/buying process as our agent and as our friend!

Highly likely to recommend

We highly recommend Grant Gerhart! Grant helped us sell our first condo and buy our first home and we could not be happier with our experience. From the very first time we contacted Grant to the day we moved in to our new home, we felt confident, comfortable, and happy to be working with him. Grant was always professional and prompt to respond and he answered every question thoughtfully and thoroughly. Grant was accommodating to our schedules, flexible and super patient. Grant is one the hardest working agents we have ever come across. Apart from his dedication and determination, what stands out most about Grant is that he genuinely cares about his clients and it shows! We were thrilled to have Grant by our side through the home selling/buying process as our agent and as our friend!

The best quality was the promptness and availability in his response times.

Highly likely to recommend

Grant is both very professional and personable. He was very knowledgeable and guided my wife and I in making good decisions during our process in looking for a home. The best quality was the promptness and availability in his response times. My wife and I have been in our home for several months and are very happy.

Grant knows Orange County, he is responsive, and is a professional.

Highly likely to recommend

This was my first time purchasing a home on the west coast (after having lived all over the east coast). I had gone online and found quite a few houses that I wanted to look at. In 2 days we picked a house that fit my criteria (out of a variety of 20 homes that we looked at) and he negotiated everything to meet my needs. Grant knows Orange County, he is responsive, and is a professional.

Grant Gerhart is a great Broker! Will be doing business with him again.

Highly likely to recommend

“Grant Gerhart is a great Broker! Will be doing business with him again.”

I would not hesitate to recommend him!

Highly likely to recommend

“Our experience with Grant was nothing but fantastic! He treated us at all times with respect and professionalism. He responded to our MANY questions very timely and we never felt left out of the process or uninformed. If I were asked if I knew of an agent that I would refer, I would not hesitate to recommend him to my family, friends or colleagues.”

Thank you for helping us achieve our dream

Highly likely to recommend

“For many, home buying can be an intimadating, yet exciting time. We began our search for a home in February of 2012. After a disappointing experience with our first realtor, Grant Gerhart came highly recommended to us by a family member. After reaching out to Grant to discuss our wish list, we quickly realized we were working with a knowledgable and trustworthy real estate professional. Being that we are first time parents & first time home buyers, trust was huge for us. We wanted to feel that whatever decisions we made in purchasing a home, was financially attainable by us. Considering the extremely competitive market, we always felt we had a fair shot at any home we put an offer on, because we knew how quickly Grant would be available to provide us with his expertise regarding comparable pricing, competitive offer amounts & if we were still interested after discussing , we were confident that an offer would be minutes away from being submitted. In April of this year (2013) we received the news were so desperately waiting to receive. Our offer had finally been accepted! From offer to closing docs, Grant gave us the guidance & confidence in knowing that we were in good hands every step of the way. Thank you for helping us achieve our dream of owning a home Grant!”

I could not have done it without Grant

Highly likely to recommend

“Grant sold my house for me in December, 2012. He was very professional in dealing with the Buyer. He followed through with all the offers, answered all my questions. He managed the Open Houses with care, was very cordial to all the viewers whether they were serious buyers are not. He organized all the inspections, keep me informed as the buying process took place. He assisted to find me helpers to clean out my home of 18 years. He meet several times with the Buyers, their agent and continued to follow through with all the documents. He explained all the final documents to me before I signed with the excellent escrow company.He assisted in finding me a rental home and was there with meet to meet the Landlord. He was even there to help on moving day. I could not have done it without Grant Gerhart's knowledge and assistance.”

Thanks Grant for everything!

Highly likely to recommend

“I came across Grant Gerhart’s name while searching for a home listing online. I relied on the testimonials and decided to give him a call, which I was truly glad I did. Grant assisted me with the sale of my old home and the purchase of my new home in a short period of 2 months. He did not waste any time and was on top of everything from day one up until the final step. He listed my old home for sale the day after we spoke and was impressed with the result as offers came pouring the following day and was even more impressed when escrow closed a month after. Subsequently, he found us our dream home in our desired area and had us moving a month after the sale of my old home. Although, there were a few bumps along the road, he made sure it was a smooth process as possible. Additionally, he was very fair as far as financial aspect of the deal. I highly recommend Grant and I wouldn’t think twice to give him a call should I decide to move again. Thanks Grant for everything!”

We are happily moved into our first home!

Highly likely to recommend

“Grant was a great realtor. We got the house we wanted on our first try. He was always available for us at any hour of the day, even on the weekends. Its clear that he takes pride in what he does. We are happily moved into our first home!”

Highly professional Realtor.

Highly likely to recommend

“Very knowledgeable, dependable, readily available, highly professional Realtor. He made my first home buying experience a very pleasant one. He has sound knowledge on the mortgage loan products too, it helped me in getting a right loan product for my new home and i could save appreciably on my monthly payments too. He goes extra miles even after closing and provide tips & support in the moving process.”

I would not consider working with anyone else.

Highly likely to recommend

“After working with Grant on the Selling of our home, I would not consider working with anyone else. Grant was extremely professional, knew absolutely all of the ins-and-outs of the market and process, negotiated with ease, and tended to all of our concerns and wishes. As this was our first time selling a home, I really appreciated all of the time he took explaining the selling process and helping us become knowledgeable about the market. He was also very patient with us and did not push us to make a decision hastily. When we were ready to buy, Grant went the extra mile and helped us pick a mortgage broker who also went above and beyond. Grant helped us find a home that was in our price range and successfully negotiated to get us a fantastic deal. I would recommend Grant in a heartbeat!!”

Grant is a true professional

Highly likely to recommend

“Grant is a true professional and cares about his clients. He was so patient with us as we worked through selling our first home. He truly listens to what we wanted for our home and did way more than expected. Grant follows up even after closing to make sure you are completely satisfied. He's an amazing agent, and we highly recommend him to anyone looking for a professional that knows what he's doing.”
